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  TODAY Live Zoom Class Sunday Aug. 9

From the Video Archives

Rabbi Richman established the International Department of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem and served as its director for 30 years.


He recorded over 1500 video teachings on the weekly Torah portions, Holy Temple teachings, the festivals, and other Torah subjects, and  co-hosted a weekly radio show, ‘Temple Talk,’ which ran for 15 years on Israel National Radio, all of which are available at the Temple Institute’s YouTube channel

Rabbi Chaim Richman - The Torah of Transformation: A Universal Message for All Humanity

Rabbi Chaim Richman - The Torah of Transformation: A Universal Message for All Humanity

Rabbi Chaim Richman International Director of The Temple Institute - The Torah of Transformation: A Universal Message for All Humanity Part of a full day seminar exploring the End of Days Messianic Age and learn more about the phenomenon called the Noachide Movement and its roll in Destiny. A panel of illustrious international speakers: To view the other videos from that seminar - see links below: Rabbi Tovia Singer, Founder and Director of Outreach Judaism, The Messianic Age and the Noachide Movement: An Appointment with Destiny Dr. Isaac Mozeson with James D. Long: both prolific authors and lecturers. Presenting how the 70 nations are speaker of Hidden Hebrew For more information about the Temple Institute: Credit for opening Yiboneh song - Chaim Dovid Yiboneh Archives of other great speakers: Check out Yiboneh and get involved in Chesed or Learning Projects Subscribe to our YOUTUBE CHANNEL Like us on FACEBOOK To dedicate classes or to make contributions: Further Jewish Educational Websites:

Rabbi Richman - From the Archives

Rabbi Richman - Interviews

Secret of Challah (West Texas Holy Temple Conference)

Secret of Challah (West Texas Holy Temple Conference)

The potential we all have to invest our material reality with HaShem's light. More than 150 people attended the West Texas Holy Temple Conference in Lubbock, Texas, November 9-12, 2017. Sponsored by the South Plains Hebraic Center, in cooperation with Biblical Faith of Abilene, Texas, and the Temple Institute, Inc., of Lubbock, Texas, the conference brought together people from across the United States and Canada. Representatives from the Temple Institute of Israel, including Rabbi Chaim Richman, Rena Richman, and Yitzchak Reuven, were joined by archaeologist Hillel Richman. Each presented multiple teachings to the gathering. The eight teachings were all beautifully filmed and edited by Jim Long. We thank Jim for the long hours and dedication he put into preparing these videos for all to see. The focus of the teachings was on the spiritual significance of the Holy Temple, the concept of sacred space, the significance and meaning of the korbonot (the Temple offerings), the foundation stone, the ark of the covenant, the stone altar, and prayer at the Holy Temple, bringing the service and significance of the Holy Temple alive. Archaeologist Hillel Richman focused on the archaeological discoveries made in recent years in Jerusalem concerning the Temple Mount, and on the rich treasures of archaeological evidence of the first and second Holy Temples. Visit us: Become a fan on facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter: 30 YEARS of the TEMPLE INSTITUTE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT:
Meeting Oneself, and Meeting HaShem, in the Tent of Meeting (West Texas Holy Temple Conference)

Meeting Oneself, and Meeting HaShem, in the Tent of Meeting (West Texas Holy Temple Conference)

How Channah infused herself, the Tabernacle, and the entire nation with new life. More than 150 people attended the West Texas Holy Temple Conference in Lubbock, Texas, November 9-12, 2017. Sponsored by the South Plains Hebraic Center, in cooperation with Biblical Faith of Abilene, Texas, and the Temple Institute, Inc., of Lubbock, Texas, the conference brought together people from across the United States and Canada. Representatives from the Temple Institute of Israel, including Rabbi Chaim Richman, Rena Richman, and Yitzchak Reuven, were joined by archaeologist Hillel Richman. Each presented multiple teachings to the gathering. The eight teachings were all beautifully filmed and edited by Jim Long. We thank Jim for the long hours and dedication he put into preparing these videos for all to see. The focus of the teachings was on the spiritual significance of the Holy Temple, the concept of sacred space, the significance and meaning of the korbonot (the Temple offerings), the foundation stone, the ark of the covenant, the stone altar, and prayer at the Holy Temple, bringing the service and significance of the Holy Temple alive. Archaeologist Hillel Richman focused on the archaeological discoveries made in recent years in Jerusalem concerning the Temple Mount, and on the rich treasures of archaeological evidence of the first and second Holy Temples. Visit us: Become a fan on facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter: 30 YEARS of the TEMPLE INSTITUTE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT:

Rabbanit Rena Richman - From the Archives

Noahide Teachings: Rabbi Richman on Torah Observance and Non-Jews

Temple Denial (West Texas Holy Temple Conference)

Temple Denial (West Texas Holy Temple Conference)

Archaeologist Hillel Richman discusses the phenomenon of Temple Denial and provides basic literal, historical and archaeological evidence for the existence of both Holy Temples. More than 150 people attended the West Texas Holy Temple Conference in Lubbock, Texas, November 9-12, 2017. Sponsored by the South Plains Hebraic Center, in cooperation with Biblical Faith of Abilene, Texas, and the Temple Institute, Inc., of Lubbock, Texas, the conference brought together people from across the United States and Canada. Representatives from the Temple Institute of Israel, including Rabbi Chaim Richman, Rena Richman, and Yitzchak Reuven, were joined by archaeologist Hillel Richman. Each presented multiple teachings to the gathering. The eight teachings were all beautifully filmed and edited by Jim Long. We thank Jim for the long hours and dedication he put into preparing these videos for all to see. The focus of the teachings was on the spiritual significance of the Holy Temple, the concept of sacred space, the significance and meaning of the korbonot (the Temple offerings), the foundation stone, the ark of the covenant, the stone altar, and prayer at the Holy Temple, bringing the service and significance of the Holy Temple alive. Archaeologist Hillel Richman focused on the archaeological discoveries made in recent years in Jerusalem concerning the Temple Mount, and on the rich treasures of archaeological evidence of the first and second Holy Temples. Visit us: Become a fan on facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter: 30 YEARS of the TEMPLE INSTITUTE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT:

Archaeological Research: Hillel Richman

The Children are Ready

Holy Temple Myth Busters:  Part I - Introduction

Holy Temple Myth Busters: Part I - Introduction

We must wait for Moshiach to build the Holy Temple. Fact or myth? The Holy Temple will descend ready-made from heaven. Fact or myth? Building the Holy Temple will cause World War III. Fact or myth? Rabbi Chaim Richman provides the answers from the sources of Torah wisdom to these questions and many more in this multi-part series which will bust all of the myths that have come to clutter Jewish thought concerning the building of the Holy Temple and its significance to the entire world. This video was made possible in part by the Shraga family of the USA SOURCES: *breaking the glass: BT Talmud Berachot 30,31 *fruit was lost: Sotah 9, 12 *all the Torah's commandments are for all of israel to fulfill - Rambam, Igeret HaShmad (Letter on Persecution), Yitzchak Shilat Edition, Volume I, pp. 57-58 *Rambam, Sefer HaMitzvot, Positive Commandments number 20 *Rashi on BT Sukkah 41:a, Ezekiel 43:11 ("so that they keep: They will learn the matters of the measurements from your mouth so that they will know how to do them at the time of the end.") The sources can also be found at 33 YEARS of the TEMPLE INSTITUTE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT: Visit us: Become a fan on facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter:
Holy Temple Myth Busters:  Part II: Falling from Heaven

Holy Temple Myth Busters: Part II: Falling from Heaven

The Holy Temple will descend ready-made from heaven. Fact or myth? Rabbi Chaim Richman provides the answers from the sources of Torah wisdom to this question and many more in this multi-part series which will bust all of the myths that have come to clutter Jewish thought concerning the building of the Holy Temple and its significance to the entire world. This video was made possible in part by the Shraga family of the USA SOURCES FOR THIS VIDEO: Rambam, Sefer HaMitzvot, Shoresh Shlishi Rambam, 13 Principles of Faith, Introduction to Tractate Sanhedrin Rambam, Igeret HaShmad Deut. 29:28 Rambam, Hilchot Yesodei HaTorah 9,1 Sefer HaIkarim 3:16 Maharal Tiferet Yisrael 51 'clearly according to halacha it is a mitzva for Israel to build the Beit HaMikdash, Rambam Hilchot Beit HaBechira 1,1 Aruch L'Ner on Sukkah 41.A, on Rashi 'Ei Nami' Rambam, Sefer HaMitzvot 20 Or HaChaim on Shemot 25:8 Sifre BaMidbar, 92 S'Mag, Positive Commandments 163 Sanhedrin 17.b, Shavuot 15.a, Jerusalem Sanhedrin 1,3, Rambam Hilchot Beit HaBechira 6,11 The Mitzvot are for Israel to Fulfill (G-d commands, we fulfill); G-d does not do the commandments: Ramchal Derech Hashem 1:2:2; Makot 23b; Devarim 6:24-25; 30:11; Bereshith Rabbah 44:1; Vayikra Rabbah 13:3; Tanchuma, Shemini 8; Midrash Tehillim 18:25; Yalkut Shimoni 2:121; Rambam Moreh Nevuchim 3:26-27; Avodat HaKodesh, Chelek HaAvodah 3; Shnei Luchot HaBrit, Shaar HaGadol 1:48b; Maharal Tiferet Yisrael 7. Opinions of Rashi/Tosafot: Sukkah 41:a, Rosh Hashana 30:a, Shavuot 15:b source for information about R. Y. ben Chanina B'reishith Rabbah 64 Ezekial 43:11, Rashi says 'so that they will know to do them' source for R. Yehiel of Paris...Kaftor Va'Ferach, Rabbi Ashtori HaParchi, Chapter 6 The sources can also be found at Music credits: Parisian Waltz: Ragtime: licensed by Funny Jazz Piano: Inspirational Piano: Visit us: Become a fan on facebook: Follow us on Twitter: More videos available on Weekly Newsletter: 30 YEARS of the TEMPLE INSTITUTE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT:
Holy Temple Myth Busters:  Part III: Mashiach vs the People

Holy Temple Myth Busters: Part III: Mashiach vs the People

We must wait for the messiah to build the Holy Temple. Fact or myth? Quoting directly from Israel's most illustrious sages, Rabbi Richman explodes myth after myth concerning Moshiach and his role in the building of the Holy Temple. From previous chapters in the Temple Institute's Holy Temple Myth Busters Series: The Holy Temple will descend ready-made from heaven. Fact or myth? Building the Holy Temple will cause World War III. Fact or myth? Rabbi Chaim Richman provides the answers from the sources of Torah wisdom to these questions and many more in this multi-part series which will bust all of the myths that have come to clutter Jewish thought concerning the building of the Holy Temple and its significance to the entire world. This video was made possible in part by the Shraga family of the USA SOURCES FOR THIS VIDEO: Maimonides Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Beit HaBechira 1,1 Maimonides Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Melachim 11,1 Maimonides Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Melachim 12 Malachi 3:1 Pesikta Rabati 36 Maimonides, Sefer Igeret HaShmad The sources can also be found at Music credits: Parisian Waltz: Ragtime: licensed by Funny Jazz Piano: Inspirational Piano: Visit us: Become a fan on facebook: Follow us on Twitter: More videos available on Weekly Newsletter: 30 YEARS of the TEMPLE INSTITUTE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT:

Holy Temple Mythbusters

The Holy Temple: Man-Made or Heaven Sent? Ten Parts

Jerusalem Lights, Inc. is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit American organization which aids in support of Rabbi Richman's educational and outreach projects.  All donations made by US citizens are tax-deductible.


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This website is dedicated in loving memory of Grace Elizabeth Specht 

In Israel: Jerusalem Lights 

Rabbi Chaim Richman 

PO Box 23808 

Jerusalem, 9123701 Israel

In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. 

Post Office Box 16886 

Lubbock Texas 79490

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  Proudly Created in Jerusalem  Israel 

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