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Rabbi Chaim Richman founded Jerusalem Lights in response to the urgent spiritual needs of our times. Jerusalem Lights seeks to provide and share the wisdom of traditional Torah teachings with all sincere spiritual seekers regardless of their race, religion, or gender, emphasizing the ennoblement of the human spirit, the brotherhood of mankind, and the nurturing and development of each individual’s personal faith and relationship with the Creator.


The teachings and educational activities of Jerusalem Lights tap into the inner meaning of the prophecies concerning the reciprocal relationship between Israel and the Nations, providing greatest access possible to Universal Torah: Torah for Everyone!

We all live as separate human beings, created in the Divine image, yet our souls long for true connection, to unite with the great whole, the only true reality, the Creator. Jerusalem Lights works towards encouraging and aiding in global awakening, helping connect all of humanity to G-d’s redemptive process, so that all may become active participants in the Divine plan for the restoration of man’s relationship with the Creator.

Rabbi Richman’s teachings emphasize the role that each individual plays through his or her personal participation in the great, ultimate Redemption of all humanity currently unfolding before our very eyes. 

Jerusalem Lights is a 501 (c) 3 US non-profit organization. To support our teachings, please consider making a donation. 

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Jerusalem Lights, Inc. is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit American organization which aids in support of Rabbi Richman's educational and outreach projects.  All donations made by US citizens are tax-deductible.


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This website is dedicated in loving memory of Grace Elizabeth Specht 

In Israel: Jerusalem Lights 

Rabbi Chaim Richman 

PO Box 23808 

Jerusalem, 9123701 Israel

In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. 

Post Office Box 16886 

Lubbock Texas 79490

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(c) 2024 Rabbi Chaim Richman

  Proudly Created in Jerusalem  Israel 

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